
10 Daily Habits for Arthritis Pain Relief

By Madeline R. Vann, MPH: Hard as it might be to believe, some of your…

8 Healthy Habits That Can Help Low Testosterone

By Chris Iliades, MD Everyday Choices Can Affect Low Testosterone In addition to testosterone replacement…

The Health Benefits of Water

By Jen Laskey: Did you know that your body weight is approximately 60 percent water?…

Wash Your Face With … Oil?

By Anne L. Fritz: Between the oil pulling fad and claims that oil can soothe…

The 13 Most Powerful Superfoods

by everyday HEALTH: Ask five nutritionists to rate the 13 most powerful foods and you'll…

10 Ways Meditation Can Make You a Nicer Person

by JENNIFER WANG: Have you ever gotten home after work and felt like the whole…

Heads Up! The Way You Are Sleeping May Be Killing You

BY SYDNEY ROSS SINGER – Every one of us has a mysterious double life. For…